Cookie Crumbs – A Review

A visit to Bountiful Market in Edmonton is a joy. It’s spacious, it’s fun, and the vendors are all eager to help. In pre-COVID19 days, the vendors were very generous with samples.

Bountiful Market has become more and more popular as the months pass by. It has become our favourite market as Michael and I enjoy it for the ample parking, and easy to get to location.

Along the East wall, adjacent to the picnic tables, is a busy and tidy vendor called Cookie Crumbs. This place is owned and operated by Angus and her husband. If you first look at the treats, you might wonder, “what on earth?”.

Introducing: A Waffle Puck

What they sell are called waffle pucks. It’s a shortbread cookie filled with the most delicious centres, made with fresh ingredients you would find in your own refrigerator/pantry (that is, if you buy organic). These yummy treats are called waffle in part because it is baked in something like a waffle iron. That said, they also sell waffle bites, which resemble a traditional waffle shape.

Currently, they have 29 flavours listed on their website. My favourite is piña colada, because I cannot resist coconut cream and pineapple. Michael has gone crazy for the saskatoon berry flavour. Traditional North American flavours include apple pie, butter tart, chocolate, key lime and maple cream. Asian yums include Hojicha (roasted green tea), red bean, Japanese cheesecake and black sesame.

A flavour explosion in the centre

The cookie part has a nice golden exterior. It tastes buttery and rich. The filling is creamy and full of amazing flavour. You can eat it right out of your hand, but it’s more fun to cut in half and share.

Highly recommend trying Cookie Crumbs if you are tired of cupcakes, and if regular old cookies seem boring. These are unusual, flavourful, fun and a true labour of love. Anges is passionate about her product, and it shows.