Coffee (in isolation)

For some, coffee is what gets them up in the morning. I cannot deny the smell of coffee first thing in the morning is one of the most motivating of aromas. To raise it to a level of the sublime, have coffee perked outdoors over an open fire. Now that conjures up images of days…

Sublime Summer Supper

This was a recuperation weekend, a weekend to relax and just do whatever sort of presented itself at the time. My only planned events were to complete a 500 piece puzzle and run some errands. Michael went down to Calgary to spend time with his sister and help around the home with those maintenance things…

Marmalade and Woodward’s

The internet continues to vex me. After having a simple but delicious slice of hot, buttery toast and marmalade that my sister-in-law made using Ma Made Marmalade, I had to Google search “marmalade” because suddenly I needed to know EVERYTHING about marmalade. This makes a delicious marmalade, without the horror of watching your hands turn…